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Gathering the Ancestors

The largest exhibition of hominin fossils in history brought together science, the public, and geopolitics at the height of the Cold War.

Sts 5 skull seen from left front
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Pounding starches on Jordan's ancient banks

New research highlights starch grains from many kinds of plants that were processed by pounding tools at Gesher Benot Ya'aqov.

A series of irregularly shaped stones imaged from several angles with closeups of each
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Ancient travois use by some of the earliest Americans

At White Sands National Park 22,000 years ago, impressive footprint evidence is now joined by a technology for transit.

A shallow excavation surface showing footprints and linear marks with a stark desert background
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Seeing Neandertal teeth as art

The photography of Luka Mjeda brought a new way of looking at the teeth of the Krapina people.

Image of a Neandertal molar tooth with stylized colors
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Another look at selection and the Black Death

An exchange of comments probes the story of the EPAS2 gene, balancing selection, and resistance to Yersinia pestis.

Illuminated manuscript page showing people carrying coffins
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Research highlight: Brain of the Taung Child

A new study of the endocast discovered a hundred years ago asks, what if we found this fossil today?

Four images of the Taung endocast with blue to red curvature mapping,
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Research highlight: Understanding how Homo naledi walked and ran

A new paper in the Journal of Anatomy presents a reconstructed lower limb based on the Rising Star fossil sample.

Several femora of Homo naledi shown in various angles
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The circumstances of the Taung discovery

The textbook story of the fossil leaves out a wider context in which scientists interpreted the first evidence of Australopithecus.

A view of the Taung skull and endocast from right lateral view
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A hard ceiling on modern human dispersal

Neandertal DNA in some of the oldest modern human genomes establishes a short timeline of 50,000 years for the out-of-Africa founder event.

Silhouette cutout of Neandertal with trees and landscape visible through the cutout
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A look at the Maba hominin skull

Found in 1958, the skull is one of a handful of fossil hominins from southern China that may be connected with the Denisovans.

Photo of partial skull from Maba, China, in frontal (left) and right lateral (right) view with black background
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The contribution of segmental duplications to human diversity

New studies based on long-read sequencing open a new way of looking at variation of these structural variants.

Illustration of DNA against a painted blue sky
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A look at the fossil skull from Steinheim

The skull provides some of the best evidence for the ancestral population of Neandertals, and had a tumultuous history in the decades after its discovery.

Steinheim skull in grayscale image in a museum exhibit
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Top 10 discoveries about ancient people from DNA in 2024

New resolution is emerging of some events in ancient human populations, and a clearer view of some parts of the genome.

Art illustration of DNA strands
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A sad end for the Journal of Human Evolution

A joint statement announces the resignation of the entire editorial board, while disclosing for the first time the use of AI in article production.

Closeup of Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man sketch, focusing on head, trunk, and right arm
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Did scientists miss a fake Neandertal for 25 years?

An investigation claims dozens of cases of misdated bones in Rheinland-Pfalz, including the purported Ochtendung Neandertal.

Skull portion of the Ochtendung supposed Neandertal
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When hominins walked in each others' tracks

A new study by Kevin Hatala and coworkers finds that Homo erectus and Paranthropus boisei walked on the same shores within hours of each other.

An array of 15 different hominin footprints showing varied preservation and shapes
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“Lucy”, superstar of evolution, at fifty

Today's science has broadened enormously since the 1970s but the iconic fossil still has an important place in understanding our ancient past.

The skull fragments, ribs, arm bones, pelvis, and femur of the Lucy skeleton are visible in this photo
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A look at the Neanderthal from Altamura

The exceptional skeleton encased in calcite has started to yield insights about early Neanderthals.

A skull and other bones encased with coralloid calcite encrustation
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Late Neandertals: more diverse than most scientists thought

The new “Thorin” genome from Grotte Mandrin represents a previously-unknown Neanderthal deep history.

Fragments of a jaw with teeth visible in an archaeological site
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What do we know about the ancestry of Homo erectus?

A creation interest group takes a quote from me, and I look back at a classic paper.

Nine fossil skulls viewed in lateral view with Australopithecus near the top and Homo erectus at bottom
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Julurens: a new cousin for Denisovans and Neanderthals

A new study suggests that the Middle Pleistocene record in China includes more groups than have previously been recognized.

A fossil child's upper jaw with teeth, in two views on left and two angles of microCT on the right
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The evolutionary mystery of the German cockroach

The species evolved to exploit human-built environments and exists nowhere else. So where did it come from?

A cockroach poised on a rock
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New insights into the biology of Homo luzonensis

Studies of teeth from Callao Cave yield information about the pace of development in this species and its possible connections with Homo erectus.

image of two people within a very large cave with green color on stalactites in the background
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Why did the ancients make gigantic handaxes?

Looking at new research on the distribution and function of curiously large bifacial tools

Two very large handaxes
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Four amazing Stone Age sites with wooden artifacts

From Africa, Asia, and Europe, these sites give us a rare window into the ways that organic technology shaped ancestral lives.

Four views of a double-pointed throwing stick in center, with detail of sharpened points at top left and bottom right.
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How many bathrooms have Neanderthals in the tile?

A Reddit poster finds an ancient jaw in his parents' new travertine. It may be more common than most people imagine.

Two fragments of a skull, bearing a browridge and truncated by slice marks
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Eclipses for the ancestors

Culture shapes our experience of these astronomical events, and would have done so for Neanderthals and other ancestral hominins.

Solar eclipse with bright point of sunlight just emerging from the moon's edge at right of image
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A remembrance of Frans de Waal

Among many highlights of this primatologist's work, he maintained that humans are not unique or separated from other primates.

Frans de Waal giving a lecture
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Vagrant birds and ancient human habitats

People killed the Carolina parakeet. An inquiry into their historic population range helps illustrate the challenges of understanding ancient human populations.

A painting showing several green parakeets in varied poses
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Guide to Paranthropus species

Long known as a group of human relatives with big teeth and jaws, these ancient species lived for at least two million years alongside our ancestors.

A closeup of the front of the SK 48 fossil skull showing the eye orbits